Product Description
Send the Passionate Christmas Flame Bouquet online to your loved ones and make this Christmas a memorable one!
At the heart of the bouquet lies three yellow-orange roses beautifully complemented by three yellow-orange gerberas, a Christmas apple, three shiny Christmas balls, four aromatic cinamonn sticks, three earthy pine cones and a number of mirror berries. All of these are surrounded by various fir greenery and an abundance of greenery.
Bouquet composition:
3 yellow-orange roses
2 yellow-orange gerberas
3 rose hips
1 Christmas apple
4 cinnamon sticks
3 Christmas balls
Several mirror berries
3 natural-colored pine cones
Various fir greenery
Plenty of green
1 bag of flower fresh
Delivery Information
- We deliver All over Germany. We do not ship to apo/fpo or po boxes. Please note that we may decline your order in case shipping address is out of delivery service area, such as isolate area or restricted place.
- The image shown is indicative in nature. Although we make every attempt to match the image provided, due to availability, the actual product shipped may differ in form or style.
- Free Card with your Message provided with all orders.
- For House or Apartment the name of the recipient's should be on doorbell.
- The estimated delivery date you've chosen depends on the product's availability and the address you've specified for delivery. 99% cases, it will be delivered on the chosen day. But some times it may be delayed 1 to 2 working days.
- Once ordered item has been dispatched, the delivery address can't be changed.
- On rare occasions, items need to be substituted with similar type of items because of short-term or local supply issues.
- Please be noted that while the size will not change, the soft toys', balloon appearance in the photograph may.
- If the delivered item is defective or damaged when, we will replace it at no cost. Please inform us within 24 hours of receiving the damaged delivery.
- Attempt to deliver at the recipient address will be done only once. The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address. This product is shipped using the services of best courier partners, the date of delivery is an estimate. In certain rare circumstances, gift may be delivered prior or get delayed due to unforeseen situations on our logistics partner.
- Our courier partners do not call prior to delivering an order, so we recommend that you provide an address at which someone will be present to receive the package.
- Wine / Champagne may only be purchased and delivered to persons who are at least 21 years of age. By placing an order, you validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older. When your wine / champagne is delivered, the person accepting delivery may be required to show identification.